Luxury Products with Sustainable Value

Creating timeless piece of jewellery from Vintage items. 

Introducing our new packaging! The best part of it: it’s sustainable and recyclable

As we continue to improve our brand and work hard to ensure that our clients have the best possible experience with us, we’re are exciting to announce our new friendly-environment packaging!

Go green or go home! 

Packaging plays a hugely important part of a business and at the end of the day, it’s our first real-life impression that you make of our work. Our aim was to keep it minimal (to help reduce waste) but to keep its luxury at the same time, and we have to be honest... It was a real challenge!

We were excited to take on this challenge and of course as a sustainable company, we are committed to the environment and we have to make sure that our packaging was sustainable and recyclable.


Small changes, big impact 

We had spent a lot of time and effort getting the material for the packaging just right.  After many tested, we are proud to introduce our new Eco-Friendly Packaging.


Our new packaging is made of cardboard and eco-friendly paper and it will replace all our current models. These new packages will have a positive impact on sustainability so greener planet for us all!


What are your thoughts on our new packaging? Share your opinion in the comments below…






Our Promise

We have authentication procedures in place to help ensure the authenticity of our items.

100% Authenticy Guarantee 

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1 comment

  • Hi guys love your jewellery and your ethos…. most items I go into are sold out, when is the best time to order. Regards Lorna


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